Lest We Forget...
Our clients had the opportunity to acknowledge and remember Armistice Day in their own way.
National Hug a Bear Day
Our clients had a great time participating in Hug a Bear Day!
Children in Need
Our lovely clients and staff at Waterside Grange put on their finest Pudsey attire for Children in Need!
Flower Arranging at Springfield Grange!
Winter is here, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our garden!
Birthday Girls!
These lovely ladies celebrated their birthdays this month with rainbow cake, party music and a special FaceTime message from loved ones.
Equality Register
Did you know Horizon Care are on the Equality Register?
My Healthy Advantage App
This app is another free 24/7 wellbeing service, why not hceck out some of their motivational and supportive webinars?
We Are Recruting!
Check out our Facebook pages for more information!